Health Cluster – Summary
Health Cluster facilitated five national coordination meetings (on 09.06., 29.06., 14.07, 04.08 and 01.09), which included updating partners on humanitarian and COVID-19 situation in the East, presenting results of latest studies and missions, as well as following up on relevant issues and action points
Health Cluster (HC) together with partners started active work on Humanitarian Program Cycle (HPC) 2022. On 23 June, in a dedicated HPC session HC partners were briefed about key changes from previous year, including switch to activity-based costing (as opposed to project-based costing which has been used since the 2016 HRP) as well as changes in the geographical units for the analysis. The Cluster is also finalizing sectoral indicators to be used for the Joined Intersectoral Analysis Framework (JIAF) for the 2022 Ukraine Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO).
Health Cluster supported strategic review of humanitarian projects submitted under the first standard allocation of Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF) in 2021. In total, there were 33 projects submitted to the UHF, of which 12 included health components. Following the Strategic Review Committee’s decision, 11 projects of which 4 included health component were recommended for support in NGCA (with a total envelope of $4.7 million) and 10 in GCA ($4 million) of which 2 included health component, pending technical and financial review.
Health Cluster in partnership with REACH completed Health Perceptions Assessment in the Government Controlled Areas (GCA) of Donetska and Luhanska oblasts. The assessment findings were presented at national coordination meeting of 4 August.
Health Cluster in partnership with WHO completed the study on the Impact of COVID-19 on essential health services in Donetska and Luhansk oblast, GCA. The assessment will be followed by in-depth visits to selected health facilities.
Findings will be presented at the upcoming national coordination meetings and will be included in the HNO.
Health Cluster completed a second cycle of quarterly reporting, covering activities under the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan. According to the obtained analysis, over 300,000 people benefited from healthcare services in the first half of 2021, which is 30 per cent of the total target for people in need in 2021.