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Ukraine + 1 more

Ukraine GBV Programme Newsletter - May 2020



In April, National Hotline on Domestic Violence Response (operated by La Strada) received 2048 calls that constitute a 56% increase compared to March. During the month, operators provided over 2,450 consultations, of which 16% were online as ‘silent solutions’ for GBV survivors.

Specialists of daycare centres and mobile teams provided complex psychosocial support and social supervision to GBV survivors and people in need via phone (on average 60% of all modalities of service provision), online (25%) and face-to-face (15%). Shelters specialists, in addition to working with clients in shelters, extended their assistance to all in need via phone and online consultations. Thus, the network of GBV specialised services offers multiple modalities of quality support to meet the needs of GBV survivors in the context of COVID-19.