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Ukraine GBV Programme Newsletter - February 2021



Implemented by L'Oréal and UNFPA, «Beauty for a Better Life» School helps women who found themselves in difficult life situations to break the circle of violence. The project teaches the participants the basics of the hairdressing craft through a special education course that empowers women to pave the path to better lives. In February, eighty women started their training as part of the school’s fifth season in two cities at once: Kyiv and Lviv.

Kyiv City College of Light Industry became the School’s first Training Centre, which opened with the support of the Kyiv City State Administration. Another Training Centre was launched with NGO Bosco Centre support in Lviv.

Since the beginning of the project, 94 Ukrainian women have received free education in the beauty industry. Today the majority of them work at beauty salons, some run their businesses. “The atmosphere was very inspiring as well as the tutors. Some of them were the schools’ first season participants. Two of them opened their salons. That inspired me the most: if they achieved this, why wouldn’t I?” says Tetyana, participant of the School’s second season.

She reluctantly recalls her life before the project. Tetyana calls toxic relationships with her parents a “tyranny” and prefers to bury these memories in the past. She says that participation in the project gave her self-confidence. Two years ago, she opened her first beauty salon. After "Beauty for a Better Life" School, Tetyana's life has dramatically changed: today she is confident about her future because she knows she can accomplish everything she wishes.

In times of COVID-19, economic empowerment of women is critical to prevent repeated violence and curb the negative impacts of the pandemic.