The Food Security Cluster (FSC) was activated the 23rd December 2014 in order to coordinate the assistance to the most vulnerable people affected by the escalating conflict in eastern Ukraine. It currently has 15 partners contributing to the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), however 35 humanitarian actors, have been involved with the cluster (either by approaching the cluster for information and guidance or by attending cluster meetings).
The strategic objective of the FSC under the HRP 2015 is to ensure immediate access to food for the most vulnerable groups affected by the conflict. Two main activities have been identified to support this objective: provision of food/cash/vouchers to the 500,000 targeted beneficiaries and provision of agriculture inputs to 5,000 small scale farming families.
Cluster partners are principally focusing on Donetsk and Luhansk regions and the three neighboring regions of Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia. Should the security situation further deteriorate, food security amongst the elderly, children, chronically ill and single-headed households may be under particular threat, and may occasion adjustments to the plan.
For information on the Food Security Cluster please consult the webpage at: