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Ukraine: FAO Humanitarian response update, 13 June 2022


**Synopsis (short abstract)**FAO's revised Rapid Response Plan was issued on 19 April, seeking USD 115.4 million to assist 979 320 people in rural areas through December. To date, FAO has raised USD 13.4 million. Further contributions are urgently needed to bolster agricultural production and provide support to vulnerable rural households. FAO is on the ground in Ukraine with a team of over 100 members, including technical and operational staff deployed to support the scale-up. As of 12 June, FAO has reached over 25 000 households (65 000 people) with emergency agricultural support (seed potatoes and vegetable seeds) and cash assistance. An additional 9 500 households (24 700 people) will be supported in the coming weeks.

• As of 2 June, 14.2 million ha have been planted with spring crops – 19.4 percent less than last year, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food (MAPF).

• The number of internally displaced people (IDP) decreased by 11 percent since 3 May, with 7.1 million IDPs as of 23 May. The number of cross-border returns has grown significantly, with a 65 percent increase since 3 May. While the dynamics of returns is unsteady, 77 percent of returnees, mostly in the north of Ukraine (3.4 million people), report that they plan to remain in their homes, requiring agricultural assistance.

• FAO’s revised Rapid Response Plan was issued on 19 April, seeking USD 115.4 million to assist 979 320 people in rural areas through December. To date, FAO has raised USD 13.4 million. Further contributions are urgently needed to bolster agricultural production and provide support to vulnerable rural households.

• FAO is on the ground in Ukraine with a team of over 100 members, including technical and operational sta deployed to support the scale-up.

• As of 12 June, FAO has reached over 25 000 households (65 000 people) with emergency agricultural support (seed potatoes and vegetable seeds) and cash assistance. An additional 9 500 households (24 700 people) will be supported in the coming weeks.