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Ukraine ETC Situation Report #30 (Reporting period: 01/12/2023 to 31/12/2023)


The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated in Ukraine on 03 March 2022 following the escalation of armed conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. ETC SitReps are distributed monthly.


• In December, new radio repeaters were installed in Dnipro and Lviv in collaboration with the Ukrainian Broadcasting, Radiocommunications & Television Concern (BRT) to expand the VHF radio coverage in Ukraine.

• On 22 December, an agreement was signed between WFP USA and WFP Rome HQ for the in-kind donation of equipment from ETC partner Cisco Crisis Response.with a value of US$500,000. This equipment is planned to secure the VHF radio backbone network in Ukraine.

• On 29 December―for the first time―the Remote Site on Vehicle (RSoV) solution integrated into a truck was used during an inter-agency mission led by UNICEF to Toretsk, Donetsk oblast, which is very close to the frontline. System monitoring showed that the RSoV system was online for the whole duration of deployment. The mission up to frontline areas maintained a clear radio communication with the UNDSS Security Information and Operations Centre (SIOC) in Kyiv