The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated in Ukraine on 3 March 2022 following the escalation of armed conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. ETC SitReps are distributed every month.
• In response to the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam, members of the ETC team took part in several missions to the affected areas to assess communications needs. The Remote Site on Vehicle (RSoV) solution ― a pilot mobile VHF radio solution for UN armoured vehicles on mission in high-risk areas ― was tested during these missions.
• The cluster is in discussion with the Broadcasting, Radiocommunications & Television (BRT) Concern on a technical project plan to install a VHF repeater with in Luch to expand the VHF radio coverage to Kherson. The cluster prepositioned equipment in Odesa for the upcoming installation.
• The cluster continues to support UNDSS with the RSIOC relocation to temporary office in Kyiv. Two ETC Specialists went on a mission to Mukachevo on 21 to 24 June to dismantle the RSIOC equipment after relocating the RSIOC to the new UNDSS office in Kyiv.