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Ukraine Emergency: UNHCR Operational Response, Delivery Updates (17 August 2022) [EN/UK]


6.6 million internally displaced people in Ukraine
17.7 million People in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and protection


  • Over 1.68 million people reached with assistance to date
  • 489,654 people received targeted protection assistance and information at border points, transit and reception centres and through hotlines
  • UNHCR has disbursed cash assistance to 487,615 individuals to support their basic need.
  • 703,032 people received essential non-food items and clothes (516,354), food assistance (159,472) and shelter materials (27,206).
  • 138,858 people have received assistance through 202 humanitarian convoys delivered to hard-hit areas.
  • 89,904 sleeping places were created/improved with items such as beds and mattresses in a total of 294 reception & collective centres.

The unfolding situation in and around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant in southern Ukraine raises significant concerns for catastrophic consequences. The UN is calling for all military activities in the immediate vicinity of the plant to cease immediately.

In Donestka oblast where one of the fiercest fightings are ongoing, evacuation efforts continue. UNHCR is working closely with the local authorities to support the evacuees with protection services and relief items upon their arrival to the locations to where they have been evacuated.

As the situation in the south continues to deteriorate with cities such as Mikolyaiv suffering daily shelling and rocket attacks, UNHCR has established an operational presence in Odesa to be able to better respond to the growing humanitarian needs in the southern region. Throughout the country, more than 1.68 million people have been reached with protection services, assistance through cash or essential items, and shelter support by UNHCR and its NGO partners.

As IDPs currently living in reception and collective centres in schools and dormitories will be expected to move before the next semester starts in September, ensuring availability of sustainable housing options and winterization support is a priority. Together with local and regional authorities, UNHCR is working on finding alternative housing solutions for IDPs while scaling up programmes to prepare for the harsh winter months.