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Ukraine Emergency: UNHCR Operational Response, Delivery Updates (10 August 2022) [EN/UK]



Over 1.61 million people reached with assistance to date.

  • 483,650 people received targeted protection assistance and information at border points, transit, and reception centres and through hotlines.

  • UNHCR has disbursed cash assistance to 436,095 individuals to support their basic needs.

  • 695,687 people received essential non-food items, clothes, food assistance, and shelter

  • 134,583 people have received assistance through 173 humanitarian convoys delivered to hard-hit areas.

  • 89,304 sleeping places were created/improved with items such as beds and mattresses in a total of 291 reception & collective centres.

Delivered with partners from 24 February to 8 August.

The war shows no signs of abating and continues to exacerbate the severity and scale of humanitarian needs across the country, especially in the east and south. With intensified hostilities in Donteska oblast, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine launched a mandatory evacuation of remaining residents to safer areas. UNHCR is working closely with the local authorities to support the evacuees with protection services and relief items upon their arrival to the locations where they have been evacuated to.

As winter approaches, a new wave of displacement is anticipated before the cold sets in. The deteriorating situation and consequent need for continued life-saving assistance has prompted a new revision to the Ukraine Flash Appeal that seeks $4.3 billion to ensure that the humanitarian response can be sustained until the end of the year.

UNHCR continues to support and complement the authorities’ response with protection services, assistance through cash or essential items, and shelter support to damaged homes as well as to improve conditions in reception and collective centres. With winter only a few months away, responding to winterization needs is a key priority. UNHCR is scaling up programmes that enable IDPs, conflict-affected persons and returnees to access safe, warm and dignified accommodation during the harsh winter months.