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Ukraine: Civil unrest - Emergency Appeal n° MDRUA007


Date of launch: 12 May 2014

Glide n° OT-2013-000151-UKR

Expected timeframe: 6 months

Expected end date: November 2014

Appeal budget: CHF 1,375,100

Number of people to be assisted: up to 5,000

Host National Society(ies) presence (n° of volunteers, staff, branches):

60,000 volunteers, 865 staff, 27 branches

Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners actively involved in the operation: ICRC, German RC

The emergency

This Emergency Appeal seeks resources to enable the IFRC to support the Ukrainian Red Cross Society’s (URCS) activities to help the population affected by the continued civil unrest and to allow it to prepare for the potential escalation of violence, which may result in a full scale humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.