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Ukraine Child Protection Sub-cluster Meeting, 26 August 2022 [EN/UK]


Updates from Dnipropetrovsk regional Center for social services and Service for children’s affairs

Olena Zhadko, Dnipropetrovsk Regional service for children’s affairs Unfortunately, the situation in our region has worsened during this time. 9 territorial communities constantly suffer from shelling. We try to take out all children with relevant status. The fund "Save Ukraine" helps us take children to Switzerland. However, we have certain problems with people who cannot leave, we cannot deliver humanitarian aid to them because we do not have the appropriate resources yet. We received a lot of help from the "Hope and Homes for Children " foundation, but now they have suspended their activities because they are changing the direction of their work. Therefore, as of today, we cannot provide humanitarian aid to all communities.

Right now we are getting prepared for the new academic year at schools. There is a question about how children, who are abroad, will continue their education, whether according to the programs of the host countries or according to the Ukrainian program.

Lilia Kalytiuk, Dnipropetrovsk Regional center of social services The number of internally displaced people on the territory of Dnipropetrovsk region is not reducing. Their number is constantly growing because of the mass evacuation from the Donetsk and Luhansk region. People are coming into our region and it is very difficult to accommodate them because of the lack of housing. This is the largest question. I'm very grateful to NGOs who provide psychological support to these people. They also provide primary help with the food kits, but we have a very big issue of housing.

Since the autumn-winter period is approaching, people are located in rooms which are not ready for winter. We have to focus on satisfying the basic needs, and after we can provide psychological support, and engage in cultural development. We should also not forget about local people, because local families, and vulnerable families also need some support, material and food support, so it will not allow for consolidation of the society and the integration of IDPs into new territorial communities.