General updates
1. General Updates
➢ All partners are expected to fully transition to the new Transfer Value (TV) starting January 2024, and it was highlighted that deduplication is only workable for the new TV (3,600UAH).
➢ The Inter-agency Task Force for multi-sectoral deduplication is being activated. The Terms of Reference (TOR) is now finalized with the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG). Meanwhile, the Shelter Cluster is considering the deduplication of winterization activities and partners expressed their interest in updates from the Shelter Cluster on the progress.
➢ All clusters have submitted proposed activities packages for the second standard allocation of UHF. The ICCG will review and agree on the proposed multi-sectoral packages and standalone activities (MPCA). Geographic priorities for the CWG remain primarily in the East.
➢ Plans for the CWG retreat have been moved to Q1 of 2024. Further updates will be announced in due course.
➢ Juliet (Co-chair of Global CWG) will be visiting Ukraine next week. Partners are encouraged to interact with her or bring any issues to her.
➢ Cash for Nutrition outcomes have been updated and will be presented in the upcoming CWG meeting.
2. CVA training in Dnipro:
➢ The CVA training was successfully conducted from 15 to 17 November in Dnipro.
➢ Of 83 registered participants, 32 have been selected and 27 have completed the training.
➢ Those not selected at this time will be kept in reserve for upcoming training sessions.
➢ The CWG is planning to conduct more training sessions in East and the South, subject to funding availability. Partners willing to further fund future training are encouraged to show interest.
➢ The CWG expressed gratitude to WVI for funding the training sessions, and special thanks were given to Solomon, the lead CALP trainer, and other thematic specialists.
3. Update on CWG TOR:
➢ The governance of the Ukraine CWG and its TOR alignment with the Global ToR is being discussed at a higher level.
➢ The HCT meeting tomorrow, Thursday, 23rd of November, will decide on the next steps regarding the CWG leadership in Ukraine.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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