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Ukraine Cash Working Group 10 January 2024 [Meeting Minutes]


General Updates

● An update on the ongoing standard allocation of the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF) with 17 organizations contacting us before submitting their projects on the 12th of January. Partners were reminded to contact us as soon as possible regarding their proposals.

● The Cash Working Group (CWG) finalized the reporting system for 2024. The deadline for report submission in 2024 will be the 10th of each month. The deadline for reporting for 2023 is 20th January. The new reporting cycle will start in March. Meanwhile, reporting training for partners will be organized in January for up to two weeks. The training will begin on Wednesday, 17th of January, and continue until the 27th of January, with open support rooms after mid-February.

● Following the new Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) development in 2023, the CWG is following up and consulting with respective clusters on updating Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) approaches through a dedicated task force created earlier last year.

● The Health Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) task force, created under the Health cluster, can be contacted regarding Health CVA programming at, Sunita Sharma, and Lisa Woods

● The CWG is planning to update the mapping of the financial service providers based on the data submitted by partners through the internal chatbot but also include it in next year’s reporting.

● The CWG coordination team is looking into a possible study that looks into the analysis of the impact of MPC, its contribution to sectoral outcomes and the profile of beneficiaries targeted.

● The CWG coordination team is planning to release an MPCA snapshot with the addition of an overall response CVA snapshot for 2023.

● The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) requested a programming cash review, which was finalized and shared with the Humanitarian Coordination Team (HCT) to discuss the recommendations coming out of the review during the next HCT on January 18th and will be further presented to the CWG and Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG).

● The CWG coordination team is sending out a CWG satisfaction survey to be filled by partners to guide further on improvement and priority-setting for 2024. The survey will be open until the 22nd of January.

● The first CWG partners retreat is planned for 29 February and 1 March 2024. Two individuals per organization can be nominated: One from the national level and one from the sub-national level of coordination. Further details will follow soonest.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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