The structure of the report is organised by the IFRC strategic priorities and en- ablers. By offering a Federation-wide perspective, each section of the report highlights the achievements of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS), the IFRC Secretariat, and its Membership in Ukraine. This is followed by a summary and field examples that showcase the outstanding work of National Societies in the Europe region under the Ukraine and Impacted Countries Emergency Appeal. The narrative provides updates on activities initiated during the spring and sum- mer of 2024, building upon the ongoing efforts of National Societies.
The report includes figures illustrating the number of people reached and ser- vices delivered each year since the operation began, showcasing the collective impact of our work. For 2024, the figures cover eight months—from 1 January to 31 August 2024 for the impacted countries and six months—from 1 January to 30 June 2024 for URCS—in accordance with the URCS One Plan 2023–2025 reporting framework, unless stated otherwise.
The main source used to represent URCS achievements is the URCS One Plan Reporting System, in use since 2023. Additionally, the Federation-wide ITT is used as the source for 2022 achievements and URCS One Plan updates for 2023 and 2024. Key figures presented across the report cover the period from February 2022 to June 2024, unless stated otherwise.
The primary source of data used in the report is the Federation-wide Data System for Ukraine and the impacted countries. This includes the Federation wide Indicator Tracking Tool (ITT), which has gathered quantitative data on key standard indicators from National Societies involved in the response, and the National Societies Financial Overview which has compiled financial data from National Societies that have raised funds to address the crisis.
Detailed National Society Response Plans and the achievements of each responding National Society can be found on IFRC GO.
The maps used in the report do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the IFRC Societies or National Societies concerning the legal status of a territory or of its authorities.