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Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for Multi-purpose Cash Assistance Deduplication as of October 2024 [EN/UK]



Since the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022, the Ukraine Cash Working Group (CWG) has supported the scaling up of humanitarian Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) and facilitated harmonised tools to design and implement common approaches to MPCA to meet the diverse needs of conflict-affected populations. To ensure efficiency and effectiveness of the assistance provided by each organisation separately, and overall response using MPCA modality in general, and with the Accountability to Affected Population guiding principles of the programmatic procedures, dedicated CWG Task Team on Registration, Deduplication and Interoperability has been tasked with development of a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to align the approach between the organisations.

This document has been endorsed by the CWG and will be reviewed and updated quarterly to reflect the latest developments in the humanitarian context. Additionally, ad-hoc revisions may be made as necessary to address emerging needs.

Purpose and Scope

As multiple humanitarian organisations work together to assist the affected population in Ukraine, there is a risk of duplication of assistance among the organisations. This can have the undesirable effect of inequitable allocation of resources to those served. Accordingly, this document serves as the SOP for deduplication.

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance Deduplication defines deduplication, and outlines its objectives, data standards, duration, overlaps, and the system in use, as well as other operational considerations for effective and accountable deduplication processes. Additionally, this SOP aims to streamline communication with affected populations and other stakeholders, ensuring clarity and consistency throughout the process.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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