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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Assessment in Ukraine: Desk Review [EN/UK]


In response to a large-scale humanitarian and demographic crisis in Ukraine caused by war, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) initiated a comprehensive National Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Assessment in Ukraine in 2023.

The National SRHR assessment anticipated several phases, including desk review analysis, further quantitative and/or qualitative assessments and a consultative process with national stakeholders and donor community.

This report presents the first phase of the National SRHR Assessment only, namely the Desk Review. The publication outlines identified strengths and challenges of the Ukrainian public health and health care system in the area of sexual and reproductive health, as well as provides recommendations for its further improvement.

The report is intended for a diverse audience of developmental and humanitarian stakeholders, including partners, donors, and organizations working in the field of sexual and reproductive health, aiming to foster collaboration and inform strategies for impactful interventions.