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Registered IDP area baseline assessment: Ukraine - Round 25 (June 2023)



The Registered IDP Area Baseline Assessment provides granular data on the number and geographic location of officially registered internally displaced people (IDPs). This report assesses registered IDP presence at the raion level, also mapping the recorded change since the previous round. Round 25 presents the data of the registered IDP population disaggregated by sex, age and state-recognized disability status.

The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 25 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 30 June 2023, equivalent to a total of 3,650,338 registered IDPs. Registered IDP figures were collected for 1,039 hromadas (78% of all hromadas covered in Ukrainian government-controlled areas). Data disaggregated by age, sex and disability status were provided for around 76 per cent of the administrative units covered.

For this assessment, IOM define IDPs as persons who officially registered as fleeing their habitual place of residence due to the current war in Ukraine.


• Among oblasts, Kharkivska (500,059), Dnipropetrovska (386,553) and Kyivska (332,457) have the highest number of officially registered IDPs.

• At the raion level, Kharkivskyi (278,286), Kyivska (258,875), and Dniprovskyi (165,657) host the highest number of registered IDPs.

• The collapse of the Nova Kakhovka dam on 6 June contributed to the displacement of several thousand people from Khersonska, Dnipropetrovska and Zaporizka Oblasts.

• Across the country, around 4% of registered IDPs have a state-recognized disability status.