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REACH Ukraine | Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) 2024 - Contextualized Composite Indicator Analysis Brief, December 2024


Key Messages

  • Needs remain widespread across Ukraine, with one-third in extreme need. The crisis remains severe, with Livelihoods, Protection, and Health emerging as the most pressing needs across assessed regions. Despite extensive humanitarian assistance efforts, most households in need report not having received any aid in the past year. Cash assistance remains the top preferred aid form, especially among vulnerable groups.
  • Households living near the frontline and border with the Russian Federation face the most extreme needs and have distinct needs profiles. In addition to Livelihoods, Protection, and Health, SNFI and WASH needs exacerbate vulnerabilities in these areas, requiring urgent, targeted interventions.
  • Households in Ukraine have complex need profiles. More than half of the households are in need in more than one sector, with Livelihoods and Health and Livelihoods and SNFI being the most common need correlations.
  • Vulnerable groups experience disproportionate impacts. Internally displaced households, returnee households, house-holds with members with a disability, rural households, households including elderly and non-elderly members, and those with a single adult women with child(ren) report significantly higher levels of unmet needs across sectors.
  • Localized and demographics-driven Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) efforts are critical. While a large majority of households reported satisfaction with aid received, almost 70% felt excluded from decision-making regarding aid distribution. Preferred communication methods, which can assist outreach efforts, were dependent on demography and location.