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Ukraine + 6 more

Psychological first aid for Ukrainian people [EN/FR/DE/HU/PL/RO/RU/SL/UK]


The Pompidou Group, together with leading European psycho-trauma experts, has developed recommendations on how people can better interact and communicate with persons who have experienced a crisis or difficult life event.

The recommendations were developed at the request of the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior and in light of the traumatic situations experienced by the Ukrainian population due to the ongoing Russian hostilities in Ukraine.

Being the continent’s leading human rights organisation, the Council of Europe regards the protection of civilians of utmost importance. Traumatic experiences can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Epidemiological studies show that people with trauma and PTSD are more likely to have problems with alcohol and/or drug use. All Pompidou Group partners and supporters are encouraged to disseminate these important guidelines to anyone who is helping people who experienced traumatic situations, especially government and civil society workers, volunteers actively helping Ukrainian people for example in conflict areas, at the borders and in emergency facilities.

The communication material will be made available in 8 languages: