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Project summary: Analysing the environmental impacts of explosive weapons use in Ukraine


About this project summary

The intensive use of explosive weapons (EW) in Ukraine has taken a heavy toll on people, livelihoods and ecosystems. The project Protecting the environment in armed conflict in Ukraine was initiated by NPA, and has been implemented together with CEOBS. The project has used remote sensing, field surveys and sampling to develop two case studies of conflict pollution and environmental harm in areas affected by EW use.

The project has assessed the presence and likely extent of soil pollution and wider environmental harm, and gathered data on the interconnected and reverberating effects of the use of EW, including the destruction of critical infrastructure, as well as impacts on local livelihoods and land use. There is a need to document the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine on the environment to strengthen international humanitarian laws, environmental protection and the protection of civilians.

The fieldwork and focus group interviews with the authorities in Snihirvika and Komyshany indicated that there had been significant damage to the environment in both communities due to the use of EW. A full report with recommendations on future assessment needs, and options for land management, rehabilitation and sustainable recovery is expected at the end of May 2024.