- The Board of Governors, in its resolutions GOV/2022/17, GOV/2022/58, GOV/2022/71 and GOV/2024/18, requested the Director General to continue to closely monitor the situation regarding nuclear safety, security and safeguards in Ukraine and regularly report formally to the Board on these matters. This report provides a summary of the situation in Ukraine regarding nuclear safety, security and safeguards. It covers the period from 24 February to 24 May 2024 and is based on information made available to the Agency, and verified by the Agency, during this period. This report covers the progress made by the Agency in responding to Ukraine’s requests to provide technical support and assistance in re-establishing, as appropriate, a sound nuclear safety and security regime at its nuclear facilities and in activities involving radioactive sources.
- This report also summarizes relevant aspects of the implementation of safeguards in Ukraine under the Agreement Between Ukraine and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Protocol Additional thereto under the current circumstances. Recommended Action