IMAAR and Ukrainian Monoliltnisty have commissioned Nexus for Research and Consulting to Conduct a multi-sectoral needs assessment vs three Ukrainian °blasts: Chernihlv, °Word, and Zakarpattia/Mukachevo. The assessment Specifically focuses on the sectors of Shelter, Health and Nutrition. Protection. WASH (Water. Sanitation. and Hygiene). and Education. the primary Objective Of this Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment (MSNA) was to identify the key humanitarian weds in these three oblasts that have mowed limited support from humanitarian assistance efforts. The needs assessment was Carried out between 15 April and 15 Jun 2023.
Scope. Swiping and Methodology:
The assessment was Conducted In three cities located in Northern. Central. and Western Ukraine. the methodological design employed a mixed-methods approach. incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods. It involved a comprehensive desk review of secondary data. along with primary data Collection through household (MH) surveys, key +dormant interviews (Ins), and observation visits. The design of the needs assessment tools placed emphasis three key criteria Availability. Accessibility. and Affordability. The objective was to identify gaps, needs, and learners across various sectors. By considering those three criteria the assessment aimed to capture the challenges and individuals and communities face when accessing essential Serviced and resources.
Nexus adopted a gender and age-sensitive approach throughout the assignment which Waded the inclusion and consideration of averse perspectives and experiences. The assignment followed a participatory process In al phases. from inception to data collection and reporting. Moreover. the methodology accounted for contextual factors and analysis, acknowledging their influence on the findings. To ensure the quality. timeliness. and consistency 01 the data. Nexus verified and triangulated both Quantitative and qualitative data. Probng techniques were also used Owing data collection to raved mderlying issues and explore causal relationships effectively. For more details on the methodology please see section 4-Methodology
Overall findings:
• Healthcare services and heating fuel were the top priorities across the locations. while food needs were among the top five
• Heating supplies were the most urgently needed items. as they were scarce, expensive. and inaccessible for most respondents. Cash was the preferred form of assistance. as it gait them more flexibility to meet their basic needs. Some respondents also identified in-kind materials and long-term services as significant needs.
• access to markets was severely affected by the war. causing instability and humanitarian suffering. High prices. lack of cash. unavailability of materials. and physical banters due to boating were the main obstacles to accessing markets. There was a newt for affordable and accessible markets and cash assistance programs to help the affected Depilation.
• Most respondents received aid. but many were dissatisfied with it. The main reasons for dissatisfaction were insufficient quantity. Poor quality, and inconsistent provision of aid. Other reasons included unclear information and perceived unfairness Cr partiality in aid delivery. There was a need tp improving the aid delver/ process to meet the needs and expectations of the affected population.