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Lessons Learned Workshop Report 2024: U4HEALTH: Provision of Quality and Timely Psychological First Aid to people Affected by Ukraine Crisis in Ukraine and Impacted Countries - Budapest, Hungary (20 - 22 February 2024)



The EU4Health Project, Provision of quality and timely Psychological First Aid to people affected by Ukraine crisis in Ukraine and impacted countries, is a three-year initiative funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety and responds to the mental health and psychosocial needs of people displaced within and from Ukraine due to the significant escalation of the armed conflict in Ukraine in 2022.

The project is implemented through coordination and cooperation between IFRC and 25 Red Cross/Red Crescent National Societies throughout Europe. It aims to provide Psychological First Aid (PFA) and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) to displaced people via helplines and other platforms, meet the MHPSS needs of Red Cross personnel and frontline responders to ensure an effective response, and strengthen cooperation and coordination between the Red Cross and all relevant partners on MHPSS.

The project is progressing well in meeting targets in delivering capacity-building training in MHPSS and PFA, establishing and expanding helplines and other platforms to provide MHPSS and PFA, and meeting with partners to ensure effective cooperation and coordination.

Meanwhile, targets for Ukrainians accessing the activities and support, and for personnel accessing support, are proving challenging to meet. The context has evolved since the project commenced at the height of the displacement crisis; the movement of the displaced population in the European Union has largely stabilised though the majority of Ukrainians in Ukraine’s neighbouring countries continue to experience urgent unmet needs