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Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group Time: 02:00-03:30 P.M. Date: December 04, 2024 [Meeting Minutes] [EN/UK]


1. GiHA WG Work Plan for 2025, UN Women, CARE, and NGO Girls.
The co-chairs of the GiHA Working Group presented the Work Plan of the GiHA Working Group, which outlines activities in the following areas:

Result Area 1: The UN system in Ukraine coherently and systematically contributes to progress on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in humanitarian crisis

Output 1. Strengthened UN system-wide coordination and cooperation for gender-responsive humanitarian response in Ukraine

Output 2. Increased production, analysis and use of gender statistics, analysis and sex-disaggregated data

Output 3. Increased capacity of humanitarian actors across the cluster and subcluster system to advance commitments to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls across the humanitarian planning cycle Result Area 2: More women, LGBTIQ+ persons and people with disabilities their voice, agency, and leadership, including through an enabling environment in the coordination, programming, and implementation as well as decision making structures of humanitarian action

Output 4. Local women rights and women-led organizations access funding, tools, and resources to advance women’s leadership in the development, implementation and monitoring of humanitarian plans in Ukraine

Output 5. Inclusive, meaningful participation and leadership of women’s and LGBTQIA+ people's voices in the coordination, programming and implementation as well as decision-making structures of humanitarian action


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