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GBV Mainstreaming in Transit Centres and Collective Sites in Ukraine: Best Practices and Lessons Learned [EN/UK]



According to the CCCM Cluster, as of December 2024, there is a total of 1,958 Collective Sites (CSs) across Ukraine, with a population of 88,865 people. The evacuations of the population from Eastern Oblasts continue through five Transit Centers (TCs) where multisectoral assistance is provided. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has exacerbated the issue of Gender Based Violence (GBV), thus collective efforts are paramount to ensure a comprehensive response by preventing and mitigating the risks of GBV. Effective GBV mainstreaming through coordination, trainings, and proactive risk mitigation are critical to addressing GBV in Collective Sites and Transit Centers.

Understanding GBV and Its Relevance in CCCM

Gender-Based Violence (GBV): Gender-based violence (GBV) is an umbrella term for any harmful act that is perpetrated against a person’s will and is based on socially-ascribed (i.e. gender) differences between males and females. It includes acts that inflict physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering, threats of such actions, coercion, and other deprivations of liberty.

Role of CCCM in GBV Mainstreaming:

o Coordination: Facilitating coordination among various stakeholders, including local authorities, NGOs, and community groups, to ensure a comprehensive approach to protection and assistance delivery, including implementing GBV risk mitigation measures in CS and TC.

o Standards and Guidelines: Foster the implementation of national standards, ensuring CS work towards meeting resolution 9/30. Implement contextualized Sphere standards in CS in line with Res 9/30. Implement a minimum standards checklist for TC to ensure site suitability, protection, and safety is in place.

o Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly assess the effectiveness of inter-sectoral interventions, including GBV, and make necessary adjustments. The Cluster conducts quarterly CSM assessments –to inform inter-sectoral response in CSs.

o Referral and Escalation: CCCM partners implement Referral and Escalation Tool (RET) to identify site-level inter-sectoral gaps and address potential protection risks.

o Regular Site Care and Maintenance: Implement small scale-repairs to enhance site protective environment for the displaced i.e, repair of Wash facilities, access points, and partitioning of communal spaces to facilitate privacy.

o Community engagement and participation: CCCM enhances community participation in decision-making through regular focus group discussions to assess community needs, key informants, collective site monitoring, and vulnerability assessments – aimed at informing inter-agency response.

o Capacity-development: for CCCM staff, site administrators and site residents to create awareness on GBV prevention and risks mitigation measures, in close collaboration with GBV and Protection Clusters.