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Ukraine + 6 more

Emergency in Ukraine: External Situation Report #19, published 11 August 2022


Key updates

  • According to WHO’s Surveillance System for Attacks on Health Care, there have been 445 attacks on health care, resulting in 105 injuries and 86 deaths, reported between 24 February and 11 August. Attacks on health care include those against health facilities, transport, personnel, patients, supplies and warehouses. These attacks deprive people of urgently needed care, endanger health-care providers, and undermine health systems.

  • On 28 July a team of 32 Polish health-care professionals arrived via the medical evacuation (medevac) train. Under an initiative organized by the Government of Poland, they assessed which patients required medical evacuation and transferred them to Poland.

  • United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appointed Denise Brown of Canada as the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Ukraine as of 30 July. She will also serve as Humanitarian Coordinator.

  • WHO has supported the response to monkeypox by providing test kits and training health-care professionals on their use.