Expanded Points:
• Challenges “Each of you is navigating extraordinary challenges—working in a conflict zone, facing ongoing trauma, and living with uncertainty. Your work is crucial, but so is your well-being.” Our Mental health and physical health are more connected than we know and they both play a critical role in how we are effective and resilient. (Too much stress: headache, physical back pain, etc)
2. Addressing Stress and Its Impact
a. Understanding Stress Immediate (Acute) Effects
These occur during the "fight-or-flight" response:
• Increased heart rate: The heart pumps faster to supply more oxygen and energy to the body.
• Elevated blood pressure: Blood vessels constrict to direct blood to major muscle groups.
• Rapid breathing: The body takes in more oxygen for heightened alertness.
• Muscle tension: Muscles tighten in preparation for action.
• Sweating: Helps cool the body and prepare for exertion.
• Dry mouth: Reduced saliva production due to the body focusing on essential systems.
• Digestive changes: Slowed digestion as blood flow is redirected from the gut to other areas.