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Attacks on Education in Ukraine, Situation Report, as of 9 September 2019


Since the start of 2019, the Ukraine Education Cluster has received reports regarding 31 conflict-related incidents resulting in physical damages to school infrastructure, 2 education facilities that have been temporarily closed, 8 cases of military presence in close vicinity to the education facility and 9 incidents resulting in threat of death or injuries to students, teachers and parents. This month number of incidents doubled compared to the total number of attacks throughout 2018.
September 4, Kindergarten #51 in Horlivka (Donetska NGCA) Due to an exchange of mortar fire shrapnel fragments burst through the building’s window causing damage to a wall inside the premises. According to de-facto authorities representatives, the kindergarten remains the only one operating in Haharina coalmine settlement.

September 6, in Kozatske (Donetska NGCA) subsequent blast wave caused 17 windows in the school building to shatter. No civilian casualties were reported. The school is a functioning for 1-11 grades. The same day as a result of a blast wave, five windows of local kindergarten had been damaged. Both school and kindergarten were temporary closed.

Glaring of the School #4 in Zolote 5 (Luhansk NGCA) was damaged twice as a result of hostilities on August 8 and 13. In total this school has been damaged 13 times in 2019. Also small scrathes cased by bullets were abserved inside the school. School #30 in Horlivka Donetsk (NGCA) was damaged twice on August 5 and 11. As a result of gunfire few windows were shattered.

Since the beginning of the conflict in 2014 over 750 education facilities have been damaged and many more experienced disruptions to education. The Ukraine Education Cluster estimates that over 700,000 children and teachers in more than 3,500 education facilities in eastern Ukraine are affected by the hostilities and in need of humanitarian assistance. More than 400,000 children experience the direct impact of the conflict as they live, play and go to school within the 20-km on both sides of the “contact line”, where shelling and extreme levels of minecontamination threaten their lives and wellbeing.