Ukraine | 2023 | CBPF
Ukraine. When war reached Kharkiv in February 2022, Nadiia took shelter in the basement of her former home. “It was very cold and humid in the basement, but it was the only way to survive,” Nadiia described.
“We were barely living in there.” Even so, she continued to teach her students online.
Unable to cope with the worsening living conditions, she eventually fled to western Ukraine with her elderly mother and her adult daughter.
While sadly Nadiia’s mother died soon after the journey, Nadiia and her daughter live in the Svaliava collective displacement site.
Ukrainian organization Proliska has installed an information center for the displaced people – providing internet access, computers and a printer - with the support of the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund.
Children and adults can now organize and access various online educational activities, including distance learning, online courses, video lectures, and conferences.
The new facility also means residents can access psychological and medical support, consultations on social and legal issues, and social support services provided by NGO and local authority mobile teams.
There was high demand for an information center like this, a Proliska team member explained. “Now children can study online, and adults can earn some money working online. It opens up a lot of opportunities.”
Nadiia continues teaching English and philosophy online.
She also can pursue her own learning and interests. “I participate in international seminars and conferences,” she explained. She also sees how children in the center enjoy the space. “They love to play and learn here. They attend art and music therapy. In the past two years, they’ve lived through a lot.”
Original story: adapted from original articles by OCHA Ukraine.
More information about the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
OCHA – POOLED FUNDS DATA HUB – By Country (unocha.org)
Pooled Fund impact stories
#Education, #Livelihoods, #Protection, #Ukraine
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.