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ACAPS Briefing note - Ukraine: Flooding due to the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam (09 June 2023)



• 42,000 people are at direct risk of the impact of flooding from the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (KHPP) (The Guardian 07/06/2023).

• As at 9 June, more than 6,200 people have been displaced in both Russian and Ukrainian controlled regions including 2,200 IDPs on the right bank and 4,000 evacuated on the left bank, with no information about their current location (IOM 8/6/2023; OCHA 8/6/2023; Gov’t of Ukraine 9/6/2023).

• There are an estimated 17,000 people in the critical risk zone on the western right bank of the river in herson oblast (OCHA 07/06/2023) and 25,000 people in the Russian-controlled left bank of the Dnipro River. Those living in areas under Russian control cannot access international humanitarian assistance, leaving their lifesaving and humanitarian needs unmet.

• Water supply disruption alone could affect over one million people (EP 06/06/2023; Kurkul 06/06/2023) and the destruction of the KHPP could have a long-term socioeconomic impact on the southeastern macro regions affecting up to 1.5 million people (IA 07/06/2023; Zaxid 07/06/2023).

• The Ukrainian Government does not have the capacity to respond to all the humanitarian needs resulting from this disaster and requires international support (KII 07/06/2023 b).

• People in Kherson city and nearby villages not at direct risk of flooding still need support moving to areas deemed safer because of risks of potential epidemics and service disruption (Ukrainska Pravda 07/06/2023).