In Numbers
- 1,823,883 people assisted in September 2024
- 3,081 mt of food assistance distributed
- USD 4.6 million in cash-based transfers
- USD 83 million six months (Oct 2024 – Mar 2025) net funding requirements.
Operational Updates
Support to Refugees
- In September, WFP provided food assistance to more than 1.4 million refugees hosted in Uganda. Of these, 487,000 received in-kind food assistance and 947,000 Cash-Based Transfers (CBT) amounting to USD 4.1 million.
- The Maternal Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) programme and Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme (TSFP) were also implemented in refugee settlements to treat and prevent acute malnutrition. More than 7,700 children under five years and pregnant and breastfeeding women received nutrition support to treat moderate acute malnutrition. Under the MCHN programmes, 7,793 children under 5 as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women received 431 mt of specialized nutritious foods.
Financial Literacy and Scaling up of Digital Cash-Based Transfers (CBT)
- To ensure cost efficiency, WFP is transitioning people assisted under general food assistance from in-kind assistance to cash assistance. By the end of September 2024, WFP had successfully transitioned 74 percent of the targeted 82,828 households to cash assistance including digital cash delivery channels such as mobile money or agency banking. New enrolments are ongoing in all settlements where mobile money has been rolled out (Rhino, Kiryandongo, Adjumani, Kyaka, Kyangwali, Rwamwanja, Oruchinga, and Nakivale Refugee Settlements).
- More than 32,700 households (38 percent of the targeted households) have received training on digital financial literacy. A second cycle of training commenced in August targeting an additional 35,659 households.
Social Protection and System Capacity Strengthening
- WFP provided CBT worth USD 234,260 to 12,947 pregnant and breastfeeding women and children to improve their health and nutrition outcomes. Complementary to cash assistance, 8,196 individuals (8,023 females, 173 males) in supported households received financial literacy and saving kits.
- WFP conducted Maternal Infant Young Child and Adolescent Nutrition trainings across the West Nile subregion to build the capacity of Care Group Volunteers (CGVs) and village health teams in delivering support in complementary feeding and childcare.
- More than 900 lead mothers and 124 village health team members were trained to deliver these sessions to members of household support groups (HSGs). The trainings aim to improve infant and young child feeding practices for children aged 6-23 months, with an emphasis on dietary diversity and the inclusion of iron-rich foods. Additionally, backyard gardens were promoted to provide households with direct access to nutritious vegetables.
- WFP also provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development in the completion of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) aimed at ensuring the National Social Protection Policy is efficient, effective and aligned to the country’s social and economic goals.