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Uganda + 3 more

WFP Uganda Country Brief, October 2024


In Numbers

1,751,773 people assisted in September 2024

3,290 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 4.1 million in cash-based transfers

USD 111 million six months (Nov 2024 – Apr 2025) net funding requirements.

Operational Updates

Support to Refugees

• In October, WFP provided food assistance to more than 1.3 million refugees in Uganda, of these, 388,600 received 2,712 metric tons (MT) of in-kind food assistance and 947,200 CashBased Transfers (CBT) worth USD 4.1 million.

• Maternal Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) programme and Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme (TSFP) were implemented in 13 refugee settlements to treat and prevent acute malnutrition. More than 7,400 children under five years received nutrition support to treat moderate acute malnutrition. Additional 99,247 children under the age of five and pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls received 446 MT of specialized nutritious foods (SNFs) to prevent acute malnutrition.

Financial Literacy and Scaling up of Digital Cash-Based Transfers (CBT)

• WFP continued its efforts to digitize CBT by expanding digital delivery mechanisms to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in its response. By the end of October, 64 percent (608,000 people) of the entire CBT caseload received assistance through digital mechanisms including agency banking or mobile money. In partnership with Airtel and MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited, WFP expanded mobile money services in eight target refugee settlements (Nakivale, Oruchinga, Kyangwali, Rwamwanja, Kyaka II, Kiryandongo, Rhino Camp and Bidibidi).

Social Protection and Systems Capacity Strengthening

• As part of WFP’s efforts to strengthen systems and south-tosouth learning, WFP supported a high-level, multi-sectoral delegation to attend a three-day learning visit to Pakistan. The visit aimed to exchange knowledge, experiences and lessons on the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and the National Database and Registration Authority (NDRA). Insights gained from this visit will contribute to the development of Uganda's Dynamic Social Registry which aims to improve the delivery of social protection by ensuring transparent targeting of vulnerable populations. Led by the Head of Public Service and Secretary to the Cabinet of the Republic of Uganda, the delegation included development partners and senior representatives from key government ministries, laying a foundation for future initiatives.

• WFP continued to support 1,439 teenage parents (1,385 females and 54 males) through vocational skills training across 14 Vocational Training Institutes (VTIs) in eight districts. This initiative empowers young parents to achieve self-sufficiency through skill development. The training was complemented by social behaviour change communication, aimed at improving nutrition outcomes for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children under two years.