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UNICEF Uganda Karamoja Response Report (August 2022)


Situation Overview

• Following the IPC acute malnutrition analysis report, UNICEF, WFP and District Local Governments (DLGs) embarked on a door-to-door mass screening exercise to identify affected households with a specific focus on vulnerable children. A total of 143,378 (75 per cent) children have been screened for malnutrition in the community from six out of the nine Karamoja districts. This is an improvement from 29.2 per cent in April 2022 before the emergency response. The findings revealed that acute malnutrition levels remain critical (Kotido at 25 per cent, Nabilatuk at 23 per cent and Kaabong at 22.3 per cent).

• Integrated community outreaches have improved the enrolment of malnourished children into therapeutic care. To date, a total of 12,683 (55.8 per cent) of children with Severe Acute malnutrition have been enrolled for treatment. A scale up for integrated outreaches and referral is urgently required to the rest of the districts to reverse the effects of increased malnutrition levels.