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Uganda + 3 more

UNICEF Uganda Humanitarian Situation Report No. 6 (End of Year) January - December 2022



  • UNICEF supported efforts by Uganda’s Ministry of Health (MoH) and partners to curb health emergencies, including Sudan Virus Disease (SVD), COVID-19, measles and polio.

  • In 2022, flooding displaced over 21,115 people and 126,102 had their livelihood activities, homes, crops and infrastructure destroyed.

  • 1,225,346 (68 per cent of 1,804,350) targeted children and women received essential health care services, including immunization and prenatal, postnatal, HIV and gender-based violence care in UNICEF focus districts.

  • During the year, UNICEF and partners supported 44,348 (23,061 boys, 21,287 girls) children under five years of age with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) treatment.

  • 54,458 children in humanitarian situations (26,140 girls, 28,318 boys) benefitted from individual child protection case management services.

  • 150,429 (78,223 male, 72,206 female) children benefitted from Early Childhood Development, Quality Education and Adolescent Development programmes.

  • 883,800 people were reached with critical water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) supplies while 112,600 people have access to clean water through institutional support.