UNICEF supported efforts by Uganda’s Ministry of Health (MoH) and partners to curb health emergencies, including Sudan Virus Disease (SVD), COVID-19, measles and polio.
In 2022, flooding displaced over 21,115 people and 126,102 had their livelihood activities, homes, crops and infrastructure destroyed.
1,225,346 (68 per cent of 1,804,350) targeted children and women received essential health care services, including immunization and prenatal, postnatal, HIV and gender-based violence care in UNICEF focus districts.
During the year, UNICEF and partners supported 44,348 (23,061 boys, 21,287 girls) children under five years of age with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) treatment.
54,458 children in humanitarian situations (26,140 girls, 28,318 boys) benefitted from individual child protection case management services.
150,429 (78,223 male, 72,206 female) children benefitted from Early Childhood Development, Quality Education and Adolescent Development programmes.
883,800 people were reached with critical water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) supplies while 112,600 people have access to clean water through institutional support.