• As of 31 May, Uganda had a cumulative total of 457 COVID-19 cases, including 73 recoveries and zero deaths. Seven new cases among health care workers were confirmed during this reporting period. Uganda has tested a cumulative 96,825 individuals for COVID-19 since the beginning of the outbreak.
• 923,994 people (463,845 female) were reached with key messages on the prevention and control of COVID-19 in May.
• On 4 May, Moroto District confirmed its first cholera outbreak since 2016.
• 39,214 people were reached with sufficient quantities of water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene.
• Flooding displaced 24,335 people, according to the Office of the Prime Minister, while affecting 176,620 people through the destruction of homes, crops and infrastructure and the disruption of livelihood activities.
• 353,833 women and children (176,209 male, 177,624 female) were reached with essential health care services during the reporting period.
• Since April 2020, 499,929 primary caregivers of children (248,965 male, 250,964 female) were reached with infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counselling through facilities and community platforms.
• 61,625 children (30,689 boys, 30,936 girls) were reached with homebased/distance learning to ensure continuity of learning as of May 2020.
• The UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal funding gap is 73 per cent.
Funding Overview and Partnerships
The 2020 UNICEF HAC appeal for Uganda is seeking US$50.12 million to sustain the provision of life-saving services to vulnerable women and children. UNICEF carried forward funds totaling US$12,642,147, which have enabled UNICEF and its partners to continue implementing humanitarian interventions. In 2020, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) have contributed US$593,225 and US$132,503 respectively to UNICEF Uganda’s humanitarian response. However, the 2020 HAC still has a funding gap of US$36,752,104, or 73 per cent. UNICEF seeks additional funding to complement the government’s efforts to protect the rights of children affected by emergencies.
UNICEF Uganda is appealing for US$15 million to support the government response to COVID-19. UNICEF has so far received US$3,623,400 through generous contributions, leaving a funding gap of US$11.4 million or 76 per cent.
To help support Uganda’s immediate COVID-19 response needs, UNICEF has drawn on other resources, reprogrammed existing funds, and reallocated its regular resources, totalling US$2.1 million, to procure urgent emergency supplies and support national and district coordination and programming.