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Uganda + 3 more

UNICEF Uganda Humanitarian Situation Report - 1-30 November 2017



  • UNICEF’s Child Protection response remains underfunded with only 14 per cent of humanitarian funding needs met; this has affected the delivery of critical child protection services, especially psychosocial support.

  • UNICEF reached nearly 15,000 children in Kween and Kapchorwa districts with health communication activities to support the containment of the Marburg Outbreak. No new cases have emerged.

  • As of November, 2017, Uganda is host to over 1,400,000 refugees and asylum seekers from South Sudan, DRC, Burundi and other Countries • Over 200,000 children and women are accessing safe water from motorized systems constructed by UNICEF and Water Mission Uganda and Oxfam.

  • In Karamoja, pasture conditions are good due to above average rainfall throughout October and November. As a result, most low-income households can now meet their basic food needs, but face difficulty affording some essential non-food needs.

  • Over 1,000 children were enrolled in UNICEF/NRC’s accelerated learning programme in Yumbe District.

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

Refugees: As of November, 2017, Uganda is host to over 1,400,000 refugees and asylum seekers, of whom over 1 million are from South Sudan, 230,000 from DRC and 40,000 from Burundi. Despite a steady decline in arrivals, the number of new arrivals in Imvepi reception center increased. In the first week of November, the number went up to 687 from 511 in the last week of October, which is likely due to heavy fighting in South Sudan close to the Kerwa collection centre in Yumbe district on November 2, 2017.

In the education sector, to ensure comprehensive data collection, UNICEF, the Ministry of Education and Sports and partners, are supporting the harmonization of an Early Childhood Development (ECD) mapping tool with the Education Monitoring Information System (EMIS). The ECD mapping is scheduled to start in Yumbe, Adjumani and Kiryandongo refugee settlements within the next few months.

Food security in Karamoja region: The November National Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning (U-NIEWS) bulletin reported that maize crops in the Karamoja region are less favourable than average due to Fall Army Worm (FAW) infestations.

Disease Outbreaks and Epidemics: Cholera cases in Kasese are reducing in the outbreak epicentre of Bwera. However the outbreak is now spreading to other areas that were initially not affected. The Nebbi district outbreak has been successfully contained with no case fatalities reported over a 14-day period since the last case was admitted to the treatment centre. Other alerts of confirmed cholera cases have been registered in Kisoro district, neighbouring the Democratic Republic of Congo. As of 27 November, 2017, 235 cases, with a 1.7 per cent case fatality rate, were registered.

Marburg Virus Disease (MVD): As of November 2017, the outbreak remains localized in Kween and Kapchorwa districts,the Public Health Emergency Operations Centre of the Ministry of Health (MoH) has not reported new cases. Since October, three cumulative cases of MVD, including two laboratory-confirmed cases and three deaths, have been recorded. UNICEF and partners’ response to the outbreak i focusing on three high risk1 and three moderate risk2 districts in Eastern Uganda.

Measles: Using the Reach Every District (RED), Reach Every Community/Child (REC) approach, UNICEF and WHO have strengthened routine immunization social mobilization and community outreach activities in hard-to-reach areas. As a result, as of 27 November, 2017, no new measles cases have been reported in Kampala, Jinja, Lyantonde, Wakiso and Lwengo districts. Uganda has also applied to the Measles Rubella Initiative (MRI) to introduce the Measles Rubella Containing vaccine into the routine schedule.

Rift Valley Fever (RVF) outbreak: On 17 November, 2017, a sample of a 26-year-old male forest worker in Kiboga district was referred to the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI). Laboratory results from UVRI indicated that he was positive for Rift Valley Fever (RVF). On 23November, 2017, a second case of a 69-year-old male fisherman and farmer from neighbouring Mityana district was reported. The fisherman died on 21November 2017, who was later confirmed to have RVF.

Malaria: Malaria cases in 10 Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) districts in Northern Uganda is now stabilizing at an average of 50,000 cases per week, with 70 percent of all health units reporting a reduced number of malaria cases. This is a result of a combination of interventions including: social and behaviour change communication to strengthen the use of Long Lasting Insecticide Nets (LLINs), case management, surveillance, and Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS).