Key Figures
68,318 Total number of persons of concern to UNHCR registered in urban areas
50,584 Are registered refugees
17,734 Are registered asylum seekers
Key highlights
▪ The Head of Office of the European Commission's Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) in Uganda paid a visit to the Norwegian Refugee Council to assess the impact of the NRC Information Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) program currently funded by ECHO. The mission, accompanied by UNHCR protection staff, visited two centres in Kisenyi and Makindye where NRC conducts legal counselling, sensitization, group Information session (GIS), legal guidance, mediation, negotiation, physical accompaniment to service providers where refugees can obtain documentation (birth certificate, family attestation, asylum seeker certificates. NRC also provides guidance and support to refugees regarding registration of business including licenses, conduct trainings on refugee rights and obligation and advocate for access to basic services among others. Livelihood and support for education were raised as continuing challenges faced by urban refugees.
▪ UNHCR held a town hall meeting with Sudanese refugee community at the community centre in Kabusu. Key issues raised include access to education, health services, livelihood opportunities, resettlement, travel documents, capacity building for refugee community leaders and information dissemination. Key among the issues mentioned by women was the limited health care facilities to manage long-term health consequences of female genital mutilation particularly obstetric fistulas. ▪ UNHCR also held a quarterly meeting with the LGBTI refugee community in the Kampala. The issues raised include challenges relating to access to medical care and livelihood. To mitigate livelihood challenges, the LGBTI community has started an art and craft project to facilitate their economic empowerment.
Additionally, a meeting with Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) on 29th August. HRAPF has been supportive to refugee survival sex workers and the LGBTI community. The meeting recommended that HRAPF and UNHCR strengthen partnerships on advocacy, inclusion in meetings and trainings facilitated by HRAPF and UNHCR in respect to LGBTI persons of concern. The meeting also recommended consideration for a survey on LGBTI PoC in Uganda, for which targeted interventions can be implemented.
▪ UNHCR supported a female South Sudanese refugee to attend the International Conference for African Development (TICAD) as a panellist at the High-Level side event held in Tokyo, Japan on 29th August 2019 under the theme “Towards Enhanced Partnership and Solidarity to Support Forcibly Displaced Persons in Africa”. Together with UNHCR High Commissioner; the Ugandan State Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees; and the refugee representative, it was reiterated that there was a need for “Inclusive policies” by host governments, support to capacity building, support for income generation activities and women empowerment.