Key Figures
801,419 Registered refugee children
61% Percentage of children amongst refugee population
46,592 Number of children at risk including 36,335 (UASC) registered in proGres V4
45,046 Number of children at risk receiving case management support including 36,008 UASC
▪ 1010 (526M/484F) Best Interest Assessments (BIAs) initiated in Nyakabande & Matanda transit centres, Nakivale, Oruchinga, Kyangwali, Rwamwanja, Kyaka II, Adjumani, Lamwo, Bidibidi and Arua Refugee Settlements.
▪ 57 (24M/33F) Best Interest Determination (BID) reports initiated, and currently under review to be presented to the BID panel for discussions across the operation.
▪ During August, 293 (149M/144F) children in Bidibidi and Arua settlements were assisted to receive food from the various Food Distribution Points (FDPs) through the litigation desks.
▪ Child Protection partners across the operation conducted 4676 (2354M/2322F) home/shelter visits to unaccompanied, separated and children at risk to monitor progress of case management, any arising issues, and provide assistance when required. As part of case management, across the operation, 145 (85M/60F) cases were closed.
▪ 1039 (521M/518F) children (including unaccompanied and separated children) in Bidibidi, Arua Settlements and Nyakabande Transit Centre were supported with assorted core relief items such as mattresses, soap, plastic shoes, blankets, gumboots, umbrellas, back bags, scholastic materials, sanitary pads and food items. Additionally, some of the supported children were referred for specific services such as medical and education among others to improve their overall welfare and personal hygiene.
▪ In Bidibidi and Arua Settlements, 24,935 (13,769M/11,166F) children (including nationals) received Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) through various age appropriate activities undertaken in different Child Friendly Spaces (CFS).
▪ 1,386 (583M/803F) community members (including children and youth) in Bidibidi and Arua settlements attended series of community dialogues and children meetings focusing on articulating children rights and obligations, the importance of CFS, ending teenage pregnancy, roles of children at school and at home, discipline among children and children were encouraged to join peer to peer and peace clubs. Among other suggestions, the children requested for emergency pads to be placed at the CFS centres.
▪ 1,119 (594M/525F) Child Protection Committee (CPC) members from Bidibidi,
Kyaka II and Arua settlements participated in monthly reflection meetings. The different meetings focused on discussing confidentiality in reporting cases, introduction of caseworkers in the villages, supporting children at the FDPs, assessing progress, achievements, lessons and challenges faced while implementing the action points drawn in the previous meetings and training sessions to promote children’s rights in the community. The CPC members raised an issue of presence of video halls within the settlements that attract children during school hours as well as late in the night. The CPC members were encouraged to strengthen community sensitizations and timely referral of cases to the specialized agencies.
▪ 384 (193M/191F) new child protection cases were identified in the settlements.
Primarily the cases included; neglect, abandonment, sexual or physical abuse and exploitation, medical concerns, SGBV, UASC among others. All the cases were assessed and referred for appropriate response services including medical, legal and psychosocial support. However, there is still a challenge of concealing SGBV cases by communities due to cultural factors, fear of retaliation actions or preference to settle and resolve cases among themselves.
▪ A total of 1206 (477M/729F) foster parents in Bidibidi, Kyangwali, Kyaka II, Arua, Rwamwanja, Settlements attended positive parenting sessions focussing on key family care practices, importance of immunization, birth registration and child protection referral pathways. The foster parents were encouraged to always monitor the wellbeing of both their biological and fostered children using the meagre available resources.