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Uganda + 2 more

Uganda Refugee Response Plan (RRP) 2024 - 2025, WASH Dashboard - Quarter 3, January - September 2024


The Sector Overview:

The WASH sector ensures that refugees and hosting populations have improved, equitable and sustainable access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene services through the inclusion of services to National systems and innovative approaches to prepare new arrivals and established populations to achieve self-reliance. This is being achieved by implementing the broader water and environment sector refugee response plan (WERRP) which expired in June 2023. The approach is to transition all services to national systems (district local government, water supply utilities area service providers, and communities). The Process of transition to national utility is ongoing with one settlement (Rwamwanja) fully under the management of a national utility, there has been a delay in revising the current MoU with National Water and Sewerage Corporation as well as the new MoU with Northern Umbrella for Water and Sanitation. The water supply transition roadmap developed by the Ministry of Water and Environment has been reviewed and validated by partners. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development has procured a consultant to develop a transition roadmap covering WASH, Education and Health sectors. This is expected to be completed in December 2024.