The E&E Sector’s vision is to restore and maintain a healthy natural environment and ensure access to energy for improved social services for refugees and host communities. This vision aligns with the commitment by Government of Uganda during the Global Refugee Forum to include refugees and their specific situations in its nationally determined contributions and adaptation plans to effectively reduce the carbon emissions from deforestation and to enhance access to safe, clean, and affordable energy in refugee hosting districts by 2027. All sector outputs and outcomes contribute towards this pledge.
Result Analysis;
Natural resource management and protection
The Q3 achievements progressed well and are on track to meet the 2024 targets.
i. Seedling production and distribution - By end of September 2023, 10.3 million tree seedlings had been raised (ready for uptake) across the 15 nurseries that supply the operation in 2024. Of these, approximately 8.1 million seedlings had been distributed to beneficiaries for transplanting for establishing new woodlots, beating up already established woodlots and household tree growing. The bulk of these seedlings been taken up by District Local Governments due to their access to land and Implementing Partners who are able to mobilise land in collaboration with Office of the Prime Minister.
ii. Forest and wetland restoration and protection - By the end of the Quarter, 200 hectares of degraded portions of central forest reserves (CFRs) within refugee hosting areas were replanted, maintained and protected. This includes 100ha in Ozubu CFR in Koboko district and 100ha in Buhungiro in Kyegegwa district. This brings the cumulative number of CFRs restored and actively protected to 1,441 hectares. Also, 20ha of wetlands in Kyangwali were demarcated using bamboo to protect them from further encroachment. The bamboo will serve as a source of firewood in 4-5 years while shielding the wetland to enhance its restoration to the original state.
iii. Woodlot establishment and maintenance - In Q3 alone, 538ha of woodlots were established with refugee settlements and surrounding host communities. Therefore, by the end of Q3, 1,593ha of new woodlots were established. In addition, the 2,919.6ha of already established woodlots/plantation were maintained through gap filling, weeding and establishment of fire lines.