Summary of major updates to the emergency appeal:
This update provides a brief overview on Ugandan Red Crescent Societies (URCS) actions to date through support from the IFRC and partners support. The appeal coverage at the time of writing is 75% (CHF 519,423) of CHF690,325. This support has been generously provided through the Austrian Red Cross, British Red Cross, Icelandic Red Cross, German Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross and Red Cross of Monaco. There was in-kind support of 123,244 CHF from German Red Cross and from Canadian, Swedish and Danish through delegate technical assistance.
This Operations Update 4 seeks to provide information on increasing number of South Sudanese refugees. At end of July 2016, when originally writing the emergency appeal, the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and UNHCR predicted Bidibidi camp would be hosting 40,000 refugees by December of 2016. At the time of writing the operations update (February 2017), the average daily arrival rate of refugees is 5,873 persons and in the area of operation, Uganda is hosting a total of 741,637 South Sudanese persons. Of these refugees, Bidibidi settlement holds a total of 272,206 people, Rhino camp hosts 86,770 and Palorinya settlement as of beginning of February 2017, stands at approximately 91,000 people. With the increasing number of refugees there is also a constant increase in demand for all basic needs.
The Uganda Red Cross has predominantly been addressing the refugee needs in WASH and health. A workshop was held with management, staff and volunteers to review achievements, progress and remaining priorities and needs, which has informed this update. In addition, a rapid WASH assessment was performed to assess the needs following the influx of refugees. To support Uganda Red Cross to respond to the WASH needs of the refugees, the Swedish, Austrian and German Red Cross Societies are deploying a WatSan ERU Module 40 to serve Rhino and Evemphi settlement. The ERU team will support URCS for a period of 4 months, with a team leader, six delegates (on-rotation) and two RDRTs.