Key Highlights
50 percent of the households had food stocks in September, increasing by 17 percent since July. Nakapiripirit and and Abim had the highest share with 96-88 percent respectively;
Overall, 78 percent of the households had acceptable FCS in September, compared to 49 percent in July, signifying an improvement in the food security situation following the September-to-October harvest. Similarly, there was a significant improvement compared to 2016;
Despite an improvement in the food security situation, some households continued to use negative coping strategies reducing the number of meals, purchasing less expensive foods, and limiting portion sizes at meal time.
The mean rCSI remained high at 19, compared to 14 in July; -
22 percent of the overall households reportedly earned incomes by selling food (produce). Food sale was mainly in in Amudat (47%), Abim (37%) and Kotido (31%).
WFP Uganda Country Office initiated mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (mVAM) in May and June 2016 whereby data collection is carried out through phone calls. Main objectives of mVAM are to:
a) Provide real-time analysis of the performance of a few key food security indicators;
b) Serve as a core pillar of WFPs Food Security & Nutrition Early Warning System.
This issue is based on data that was collected between 25th - 30th September 2017. 896 interviews were completed in Karamoja, with 647-249 Males and Females respectively.