Key Highlights
Since January, the food stock levels have been gradually depleting, with 30% of the households reportedly having stocks, compared to 41% in March. Food stock levels were higher by 29%, compared to the same period in 2017;
In May, the proportion of households with acceptable FCS increased to 65%, from 58% in March. However, this could be due to the application of negative coping strategies since results indicate that 33% of the households with acceptable FCS had borrowed money to buy food;
While the overall mean rCSI remained stable, it fell by 14% and 11% in Abim and Amudat, respectively, compared to March, portraying reduced stress in meeting food needs. The main food coping strategies used were limiting portion sizes and consuming less preferred foods;
The average retail prices for staple foods have remained below 2017 and the long term (2013-2017) average, due to a favorable harvest towards the end of 2017. Prices are likely to remain and/or slightly increase in June through July.
The mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (mVAM) was initiated in 2016 by WFP Uganda Country Office to provide real-time analysis of the performance of food security indicators and serve as a core pillar of WFP’s Food Security and Nutrition Early Warning System.
This mVAM bulletin is based on the data collected between 15th -22nd May 2018.
Overall, 875 households were interviewed in March. 15 percent of these were female headed households;
11 percent reportedly received assistance from WFP;
21 percent of the households are extremely vulnerable households (EVHs), while 22% of the household heads were either disabled and/or chronically ill;
The average age of the household head and household membership remained at 39 and 9, respectively.