HIV/AIDS Home Care support
Home visiting is exciting but sometimes a stressful adventure to Uganda Red Cross Society volunteers. Kagwa a volunteer in Acholibur in Pader district recalls when one of his clients continued to drink alcohol despite of the continued counseling that was given. He became bedridden, violent and not willing to see any one.
This forced Kagwa to invite other URCS home care volunteers to accompany him to this client and this helped as it relieved his stress. This is why volunteers usually go for home visiting in pairs or in group where a beneficiary may be difficult or in a condition one volunteer has failed to handle and needs help of others.
It has also greatly changed lives of many clients and hence positive living. Home care support is provided through URCS integrated HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support project in Pajule, Acholibur in Pader and Lagoro , Padibe in Kitgum.This project is funded by the Netherlands Red cross Society .
Group income generating activities for HIV/AIDs
Group IGA in terms of oxen and ox-ploughs has attracted many beneficiaries including those who are very weak. The IGA groups are boosting of their success for example the groups in Acholibur have gardens for each member and also group gardens where they have planted cassava, simsim, sun flower, ground nuts, cotton, sorghum and other members have already harvested. Nok Mio group in lukwor north harvested their simsim and got 60 kg which they have stored for next season. The People Having Aids are now able to get their own food from their gardens.
Distribution of Mama bags
Distribution of mama bags to expectant mothers has boosted deliveries at the health centres of Akunar Laber and Padibe H/C IV. Every mother who comes to deliver is given a URCS mama bag. During an interview with the staff of Padibe Health centre and the reproductive health officer of Kitgum, they appreciated Uganda Red Cross society and urged the URCS to lobby for more support so that other sub counties or health centres are supported in order to increase deliveries within the units.
By Susan Akol