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Uganda + 1 more

Uganda: Emergency Update on the South Sudan Refugee Situation - Inter-Agency Weekly | 8th – 14th February 2017



 The rate of new arrivals in to Uganda remains very high, with a total of 13,092 South Sudanese refugees received in Uganda between the 1 st and 7th of February, although this is a decrease from the 33,427 new arrivals reported in the previous week. The average daily rate of new arrivals was 1,870.

 Refugees reported fleeing South Sudan due to fear of escalating violence, including sexual violence, lack of hope that the situation in the country will improve, limited access to food and basic services, and a general lack of security creating an environment of “lawlessness”.

 Refugees arriving from South Sudan report that fire is being used to clear the bush, and the population have been urged to move to towns and cities, with anyone found in the countryside being charged with supporting the opposing groups. Most refugees are forced to travel in the dark for greater security. Many report having made the journey to Uganda in groups of relatives or neighbours, either on foot or paying for their passage to the border in trucks and other vehicles.

 New arrivals continue to be relocated to Palorinya settlement in Moyo district, which is now home to 129,024 South Sudanese refugees.

 In light of the ongoing mass influx from South Sudan, preparations are underway for a new refugee settlement in Imvepi, Arua district, and reception facilities are being developed in Lamwo district, where an increase in new arrivals has been noted.

 General food distribution in Bidibidi settlement was interrupted by a security incident on the 9 th of February, which has since been settled by the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), allowing food distribution to resume on the 10th .

 In Bidibidi, 42 community mobilizers have been recruited and trained on the procedure and registration of persons with specific needs in the villages. These teams are screening and registering the particularly vulnerable community members in each village.