Executive summary
In 2012/13, SLRC implemented the first round of an original sub-regional panel survey in Uganda – a survey designed to produce information on:
people’s livelihoods (income-generating activities, asset portfolios, food security, constraining and enabling factors within the broader institutional and geographical context)
their access to basic services (education, health, water), social protection and livelihood services
their relationships with governance processes and practices (participation in public meetings, experience with grievance mechanisms, perceptions of major political actors)
the impact of experiences of serious crimes committed by parties to the conflict on livelihoods, access to basic services and relations with governance processes and practices.
This paper reports on the baseline findings emerging from statistical analysis of the Ugandan first-round data. We collected data from a survey sample of 1,887 households. The survey is statistically significant at the study level and representative of the Acholi and Lango sub-regions, the two sub-regions most affected by the Government of Uganda (GoU) and Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) armed conflict, and an area home to approximately 3.63 million people. Fieldwork was conducted in January and February 2013 in 90 different survey locations, and is also representative at the village level. The survey was taken after harvest.