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Napak Drought Bulletin December 2011


December was generally dry with mostly bush fires eminent in most parts of the district. Neem trees and desert dates were both becoming yellow and shading of leaves. No appearance of mushrooms and mosses, which is an indication of dry season setting in. The prediction from the Meteorological Department mentioned that La Niña conditions which have been prevailing across the tropical Pacific Basin since October 2011 are now close to its peak, with a gradual decline expected over the first quarter of 2012. This will most likely lead to below normal rainfall in January which might show any serious consequence since January is usually a dry month.

Due to availability of pasture and water coupled with reduced incidences of major diseases; livestock body condition continued improving. Borehole usage increased from 77% to 100% due to a drying up of the rain fed water collection points within the district. With the harvest done the current estimated crop yield stands at 300kg – 400kg per hectare for Sorghum, which is considered as quite good and better than last year.