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Moroto Drought Bulletin February 2013


The district remained on ALERT across the 2 livelihood zones; this is majorly attributed to the high prevalence of endemic diseases (CBPP, CCPP, Tick borne, sporadic diseases like worm infestations, newcastle disease, and emerging diseases like PPR and Brucellosis, Alert disease like FMD, Avian influenza and RVF) in the livestock sector. Much as mass vaccination had been planned for February 2013, they could not do it because of limited transport to move to the field. The crop sector remained Normal in pastoral zones because of the good purchasing power from the sale of livestock and Alert in Agro pastoral zone because of the food deficit in the zone. The water sector was Normal in the month of February 2013 across the 2 livelihood zones, this was attributed to the training of water user committee to help in the management of water points. The livelihood sector remained on Alert in the 2 livelihood zones, this is attributed to the high price of sorghum and the household protection deficit in agro pastoral zone. The risk of drought is Low since the weather forecast predicts that the current on and off rain will persist until the end of this month. Thereafter, the onset of steady rains is expected to prevail during the first to the second week of April 201. It should be noted that the general seasonal climate outlook for March to May 2013 indicates high chances for near normal rains over several parts of Karamoja region but unevenly distributed in time and space.