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Uganda + 3 more

Minimum Expenditure Basket in Uganda Joint Price Monitoring (October 2019)


Produced on behalf of the Cash Working Group by WFP, in collaboration with DRC, LWF, ACF Cash Consortium and UNHCR

The Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) in Uganda was established to inform cash-based assistance for refugees, encompassing all essential needs, as outlined in the MEB Reference Guide (here). To monitor when and how changing market conditions affect households’ capacity to cover essential needs, a price monitoring system was established.

This report provides an analysis of food and non-food item price data collected from all 13 refugee settlements: Adjumani, Bidibidi, Imvepi, Kiryandongo, Koboko/Lobule, Kyaka II, Kyangwali, Oruchinga, Palabek, Palorinya, Nakivale, Rhino Camp and Rwamwanja, in October 2019.

Key Highlights

• A household of 5 members required UGX.308,170 to cover their food needs and UGX.149,687 to cover non-food needs in October 2019 representing a 27 percent increase from the reference value of March 2019;

• Compared to the March 2019 reference value, the cost of the food MEB increased by 42 percent in October 2019.

• In October 2019, the cost of non-food MEB increased by 3 percent from the March 2019 reference value. Among the non-food components, the energy and environment component experienced the greatest increase (29 percent) in October 2019 compared to the reference value of March 2019.

• The increasing cost of the MEB may have a negative impact on households’ capacity to cover essential needs