Uganda is hosting over 1 million refugees (Uganda Refugee Response, UNCHR 2021) with about 73,466 (UNHCR 1st January 2021) of them settled in the Imvepi refugee settlement. This rapid influx of refugees has put pressure on key facilities and services including shelter and WASH infrastructure.
In addition, the influx also led to the depletion of the existing systems, hence creating interventions to reconstruct them. To improve WASH service delivery efficiently and effectively in the settlement, there is a need for accurate and reliable information on which to base programmatic decisions. imvepi settlement has had several interventions by different partners, and in as much as there were access indicators obtained regularly by the partners that provide extremely useful average figures at the settlement level, there has been a gap in the in-depth understanding of the situation at the household level and to account for disparities within the settlement to measure the impact of the interventions.
In consideration of the existing challenges, UNHCR in collaboration with government and WASH actors conducted an end-line KAP survey to understand the progress made through the established /provided WASH services in comparison with acceptable standards as well as assessing existing gaps to facilitate evidence-based planning of future programs.
The survey mainly utilized 4 methods: A household questionnaire survey, a Focus Discussiogroup guide, Scientific water quality analysis, and a documentary review. The survey covered all 5 zones of Bidibidi settlement, with samples drawn from all the zones. The sample size for each zone was calculated using the UNHCR sample size determination tool. A sample of 516 Households (only refugees and host community) was interviewed using the household questionnaire survey.
Reviewed documents included: partners’ periodic updates and minutes of WASH meetings. Data was collected using Kobo data collection software and analyzed using the Standardized UNHCR WASH KAP analysis tool, Advanced excel analyzer, and SPSS data analysis software.
Uganda is hosting over 1 million refugees (Uganda Refugee Response, UNCHR January 2022) with about 73,466 (UNHCR January 2022) of them settled in the Imvepi refugee settlement. This rapid influx of refugees has put pressure on key facilities and services including shelter and WASH infrastructure.
In addition, the influx also led to the destruction of systems, hence creating interventions to reconstruct them. To improve WASH service delivery efficiently and effectively in the settlement, there is a need for accurate and reliable information on which to base programmatic decisions.
Imvepi settlement has had several interventions by different partners, and in as much as there were access indicators obtained regularly by the partners that provide extremely useful average figures at the settlement level, there has been a gap in the in-depth understanding of the situation at the household level and to account for disparities within the settlement to measure the impact of the interventions.
In consideration of the existing challenges, UNHCR in collaboration with government and WASH actors conducted end line KAP survey to understand the progress made through the established /provided WASH services in comparison with acceptable standards as well as assessing existing gaps to facilitate evidence-based planning of future programmers, and SPSS data analysis of